VTS specializes in the installation of various types of subsurface soil vapor probes and wells per client specification. VTS installs temporary probes that are sealed with bentonite slurry and can be sampled shortly after installation. Temporary probes are removed and patched upon completion of sampling. VTS also installs semi-permanent vapor wells and nested vapor wells that are sealed with cement and a protected by a wellbox. Semi-permanent vapor wells are sampled periodically or seasonally.
VTS installs Vapor Pins per Cox-Colvin standard operating procedure. Alternatively, VTS installs various different types of sub-slab vapor probes, per client specs.
VTS performs concrete coring and sawing at unit rates. Typical groundwater borings require a 4-inch diameter core. VTS has the capability to perform coring up to 10-inch diameter to facilitate installation of wellboxes for soil vapor wells. If larger cuts are needed, VTS utilizes a walk-behind concrete saw.
VTS Drilling operates two Geoprobe direct push rigs (7822DT and 420M) to advance soil and groundwater borings. VTS utilizes dual tube and Macrocore sampling methods, typically collecting continuous soil cores in acetate liners. Our crews are trained to slice and/or cut the liners for the client per sampling specifications. Additional soil sampling methods include hand auger sampling, split spoon sampling and Shelby tube sampling.
VTS utilizes dual tube and Hydropunch drilling techniques to ensure collection of representative groundwater samples, including grab samples and discreet samples. Samples are collected through the drill tooling, or through temporary PVC pipe that is installed through the drill tooling. Macrocore is sometimes used to advance borings for grab groundwater samples in limited access locations. VTS collects groundwater samples using disposable bailers or a peristaltic pump that is owned by the company and available on short notice for any job.
VTS perfoms groundwater monitoring well development, including well surging using the mechanical crane and winch of the Geoprobe 7822DT (track rig). VTS purges groundwater using various pumping methods, and measures groundwater quality parameters per client specification. VTS records observations and groundwater quality measurements for each well on a well development data sheet. Groundwater observations typically include temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and oxygen reduction potential.
VTS Drilling performs groundwater monitoring well destruction by pressure grout, and performs soil vapor well destruction by removing the well materials and backfilling with Portland cement. VTS has the capability to perform saw cutting, remove wellboxes, and install flush concrete pads with black dye as needed.